Developing Film Locally

Link to Resources

Jerry Reed’s Photo & Video

Jerry Reed’s Photo & Video, located at 921 Myrtle Ave in El Paso, Texas, can develop and scan your film. They work with an individual locally to provide these services. A link to your scans will be emailed to you, and you can stop by the store to pick up your negatives.

A note for those new to film photography – always get your negatives back! You may want to make prints or scan your negatives at a higer resolution in the future.

Developing Film Online

Link to the FIND Lab


The FIND Lab is photo lab located in Orem, Utah. They develop all kinds of film on both the Frontier and the Noritsu scanners. Their highly-trained scanning techs can develop a scanning profile that fits your preferences through their select-a-tech program. You can also choose to get feedback from your scanning tech when you try out a new film or camera. You will receive a link to your scans when they are ready. The FIND lab can archive your negatives for 90 days and then ship them to you, or they can ship them to you right away.

Link to the Darkroom Photo Lab

the darkroom

The Darkroom, located in San Clemente, California, is a highly-regarded photo lab. This lab has been processing film for over 45 years, so your film will be in good hands. You can have your negatives returned to you, and you will receive an online link to your scans.